In an age of rapid globalisation, countless issues relating to the economy, environment and infectious diseases are arising that cannot be resolved through the efforts of one nation alone. International collaboration, in our times, is critical.
The need to develop citizens who can utilise English fluently in various intercultural settings is increasingly apparent. For youth to actively contribute to today’s society, English ability and open-mindedness are musts.
As nations, each with their unique identities and cultures, collaborate to tackle global issues, citizens need to possess a clear understanding of their own national identities. Those who play an active role on the global stage necessarily become representatives and ambassadors for their own countries. They can expect to be asked questions such as “How is this issue understood or handled in Japan?” or “What are your perspectives as a Japanese citizen?” Therefore, at our school, we provide ample opportunities to develop both English language competency and Japanese cultural values through programmes grounded in our educational motto, WAKON EISAI.
It is our firm belief that, through a Japanese-English bilingual education, our students can deepen their understanding of their national identity while gaining a respect for multiple viewpoints, thereby cultivating the self-confidence to impact the world for the better.
“Develop students’ identities, give them self-confidence, and send them out into the world.”
This is Linden Hall School’s vision and mission.
During the Meiji Restoration, the new government in Japan promoted the idea of WAKON YOSAI. This philosophy reflected the aims of respecting Japanese traditions and values while furthering relations with more developed countries in Europe and North America. By actively incorporating new technologies and academic advancements from overseas, the Japanese government strove for the mutual development of all parties involved. WAKON YOSAI can be traced back even further to the idea of WAKON KANSAI, proposed about 1000 years ago by Sugawara Michizane, also known as the god of academic learning. This thought-provoking phrase emphasises the Japanese spirit of harmony, is influenced by Chinese history and culture, and fosters the capacity for decision-making through considering issues from all angles. In this way, the importance of incorporating foreign thought and cultures while retaining the Japanese spirit has been passed down steadily since ancient times. Our school’s educational philosophy of WAKON EISAI recognises and develops further these ideas. WAKON EISAI was born with the wish to educate global citizens who use English skillfully and put forth the best of Japan to the world.