
「Peace and Sustainability」 Organic Cotton Handkerchiefs Available for Purchase

Jul 21, 2022

Last year, Linden Hall High School students initiated the SDGs Clothing Education Project, through which they designed sustainable PE uniforms out of recycled polyester clothing. After collecting used or unwanted polyester clothing from both the elementary and high schools, the project students collaborated with Teruyuki-Kagawa-produced sustainable apparel brand, Insect Collection, to design new PE uniforms. These PE uniforms, made with polyester recycled through a state-of-the-art chemical recycling process called BRING Technology developed by the Japan Environment PLANning company, became available for purchase in April 2022.

As a second item to develop through this collaboration, the project students gathered handkerchief design ideas from the elementary school to produce a 100% organic cotton handkerchief. This handkerchief, which was designed with the theme of “Peace and Sustainability”, was made in Japan with cotton from an organic farm in India. The project students selected this material and process after considering multiple options because organic farming protects employees from harmful chemical pesticides and fertilizers, and such farms value providing educational opportunities to children. By producing the handkerchiefs in Japan rather than overseas, we were able to limit the environmental impact of transporting goods.

Below are details regarding the purchase of Linden Hall School’s organic cotton handkerchief. Profits will be utilized for environmental conservation efforts.

Handkerchief Design


Price    ¥1,000(tax included) per handkerchief
Location   Office, Linden Hall School (High School)
Front Desk, Linden Hall School (Elementary School)

Contact Us
Linden Hall School (High School) TEL: 092-929-4558

For more detailed information about the handkerchief, please visit this site .

