SDGs・Commitments to Our Environment

Developing the power necessary to "coexist beneficially with nature" through the implementation of environmental initiatives and experiences.

The fight to solve environmental problems is an urgent and important issue, locally and globally, which must inevitably be faced by our students who seek to become the leaders of tomorrow.
At our school, through environmental education we aim to:
Develop the ability to understand that we are a part of the environment, think about what we can do to sustain it and follow through on implementing actions that will be mutually beneficial.

It is therefore important that students learn not only the knowledge produced by research but also through various “hands-on” experiences. The thoughts and feelings that arise through experiences form the basis of learning and will foster the ability to make informed judgements about the best approaches to take and the best courses of action to follow.

In addition, the school continues to promote various initiatives such as 3R activities (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) to reduce the environmental burden.

