
Special Lecture Programme by Leading Professionals from a Variety of Fields Who Inspire in Students Deeper Insights and a More Global Perspective.

In the high school, we provide a special class, “Insight (Gaining Insight into the Nature of Things)”, which invites speakers active at the forefront of their fields to share their knowledge regarding differences in culture and values between Japan and other countries. Through this class, students develop the ability to look at things from multiple perspectives and gain insight into the essence of various issues. For example, they consider questions such as, “What roles does money play in society?” “What are the similarities and differences between the East and West?” and “How many universes are there?” By studying a wide range of topics, from familiar subjects to societal issues and even space-related themes, students acquire an agile mind and macro perspective. By reconsidering topics from a global perspective, students develop mental agility, foster intellectual humility, and deepen their understanding of and respect for their own cultures.
